The Origin of the Rohingya Ethnicity Whose Arrival is Rejected by Aceh Residents - Ensiklopedia Bebas
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The Origin of the Rohingya Ethnicity Whose Arrival is Rejected by Aceh Residents

The Origin of the Rohingya Ethnicity Whose Arrival is Rejected by Aceh Residents

The arrival of a vessel carrying dozens of Rohingya immigrants briefly stopped at Kuala Pawoen Beach, Pante Sukon Village, Jangka District, Bireuen Regency, on Thursday (16/11/2023).

This marked the third wave of arrivals within a week. However, unlike previous instances, this time, the people of Aceh rejected the Rohingya immigrants landing in Bireuen. According to Azharul Husna, the Coordinator of KontraS Aceh, the rejection occurred because the Indonesian government lacks a comprehensive mechanism for handling foreign refugees in Aceh. The handling of refugees in Aceh seems neglected without proper supervision.

Despite this, Article 2 of Presidential Regulation 125/2016 concerning the Handling of Foreign Refugees has stated that the central government should collaborate with UN agencies through international organizations dealing with refugees, said Azharul.

"Presidential Regulation 125/2016, which regulates the mechanism for the protection and handling of refugees, provides the spirit of the state's acceptance for seeking and obtaining asylum as a form of protection," explained Azharul in a statement received by on Friday (16/11/2023).

Looking back, the conflict affecting the Rohingya people has been long-standing. It originated in a location called Rakhine, a state in western Myanmar. In this region, repeated violence occurred over the years between the majority population and Rohingya Muslims.

In 2012, Rakhine drew global attention after a bloody clash between the two groups resulted in the deaths of over 200 people, forcing another 140,000 residents to flee.

The attack on three border posts on October 9, 2016, triggered a military operation in Rakhine, specifically in areas inhabited by Rohingya Muslims. According to local authorities, this policy was a cleansing measure against a few individuals they labeled as militants among the Rohingya.

Furthermore, there were allegations of abuse of power by the military. They were reported to have committed rape, murder, and the burning of houses and buildings.

Isolated in their own country, without citizenship, discriminated against, and subjected to unpredictable cycles of violence. This is the portrayal of the conditions faced by Rohingya Muslims, as described by Gregory B. Poling, an analyst from CSIS, cited from on Tuesday (21/11/2023).

Many factions within Myanmar, including religious figures and political leaders, have called for the expulsion of Rohingya Muslims by any means. However, some defend them, although this group reluctantly accepts the reality that they are hated, leading to inevitable political tensions.

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